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We are here to break barriers in healthcare.

We are here to break barriers in healthcare.

We envision healthy deaf communities; empowered, informed, and supported in navigating the healthcare system autonomously and equitably. We believe that healthy is a human right.
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Deaf ASL users are 97% more likely to use the Emergency Room.

Over 1/3 of physicians surveyed said they know little or nothing about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Nearly 70% of physicians recognized that they are at risk of lawsuits under the ADA for problems in providing accommodations.

Deaf ASL users are 97% more likely to use the Emergency Room.

Over 1/3 of physicians surveyed said they know little or nothing about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Nearly 70% of physicians recognized that they are at risk of lawsuits under the ADA for problems in providing accommodations.

These statistics represent real people. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, biases, and discrimination have created longstanding systemic barriers to healthcare access for deaf people, which leads to poorer health outcomes and life or death consequences for our deaf communities.

These statistics represent real people. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, biases, and discrimination have created longstanding systemic barriers to healthcare access for deaf people, which leads to poorer health outcomes and
life or death consequences for our deaf communities.

Miscommunication, misunderstanding, biases, and discrimination have created longstanding systemic barriers to healthcare access for Deaf people, which leads to poorer health outcomes and life or death consequences for our deaf communities.

These statistics represent real people.

Miscommunication, misunderstanding, biases, and discrimination have created longstanding systemic barriers to healthcare access for Deaf people, which leads to poorer health outcomes and life or death consequences for our deaf communities.
An aqua CSD t-shirt that reads “Strong organizations, strong communities” with hands signing “community.”

Our Mission

To break down barriers to health access for extraordinary deaf communities. 

Empowerment and advocacy are the core of our operations. We empower deaf communities and their self-advocacy by providing greater access to linguistically and culturally appropriate knowledge and resources. We further advocate by training industry participants and promoting innovative public policy and legal solutions.

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