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Are You Stressed Out?

November 8, 2023

How do you manage stress? We’ve got some ideas for you – check it out! Let's conquer stress together 💜 

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Video Description and Transcript

Video Description:

Video Description: The post has a video thumbnail with blue shading overlaid. The top middle has “Are you stressed out?” in white text with a rose background. In the video: A young woman with brown shoulder length curly hair is sitting in front of the camera with shelves, books, and decorative items behind her. She is wearing a purple shirt with an orange light jacket and rose-gold glasses. 


Are you tired? Feeling burnout? Feeling constant headaches and muscle aches? You may be stressed out! Here are some tips of what to do to relieve stress! [The young woman is sitting on a table sipping coffee and staring out the window] Drink coffee AFTER breakfast. [The young woman is sitting on a blue couch with decorative items behind her reading a book] Engage in your hobbies. [She is now walking outside in a neighborhood] Exercise! Even if it is a 10 minute walk abound the neighborhood. [The young woman sits at a wooden desk with two screens in front of her with a decorative clock on the wall] Use time management tools that work for you! Set strong work boundaries. For example, log off at 5! [The woman looks to the camera again] How do you manage stress? Tell us in the comments! [The screen fades to show a thumbnail of a faded white background of a doctor holding hands with another individual] Deaf. Healthy. DeafHealth. Learn more at] 

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