Ready to change the future of healthcare? Join our focus groups! Our 1st focus group will be on September 15, 11 - 12 PM CST. Share your unique experiences, insights, and ideas on COVID-19 and vaccination.
Participants will get a $50 gift card as compensation. Interested? Fill out our prescreening questionnaire:
This focus group on September 15 is only open to Minnesota residents. Not eligible and can’t participate? Stay tuned for future focus group dates by signing up at
Video Description:
The post has a video thumbnail with blue shading overlaid. The top middle has “We want to hear from you!” in white text with rose background. In the video: A young woman with brown curly hair is sitting in front of the camera with shelves, books, and decorative items behind her. She is wearing a blue v-neck shirt with clear framed glasses.
Do you feel like you are frustrated with the doctor’s office, accessibility, or understanding medical information? We want to hear from you! Join our focus group to share your opinions and experiences. We value your opinion and your experiences! This focus group is easy, and will be a small group of 8 people and will last up to 1 hour. We will meet virtually on zoom. After participating, you will get a $50 gift card. The focus group will touch on different topics such as COVID-19 and vaccinations. Are you interested? Sign up at the following form: Link in caption below! Do you want to know more about other focus groups and their upcoming dates? Sign up with your email at Follow for more at DeafHealth.