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Hydration Tips to Stay Hydrated

October 3, 2024

Staying hydrated is so important! Bored of drinking plain water? Have fun with these three infused water ideas while adding an extra boost in vitamins!  

- Blueberry and mint for Vitamin K and helps digestion. 

- Lemon and ginger for Vitamin C and helps reduce inflammation. 

- Orange and rosemary is heart-healthy and helps improve memory. 

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Transcript and Video Description

[Video Description: The post has a video thumbnail with blue shading overlaid. The top middle has “Try these fun infusions for your water” in white text with a rose background. In the video: There are three glasses of water with ice on top of a table with an orange placemat. The first glass to the left has orange and rosemary. The middle glass has blueberries and mint. The glass to the right has lemon and ginger.  

Transcript:Bored of drinking regular plain water? Hydration is so important! So, one tip is to infuse your water to make it a bit more fun! For example: [the screen shows three cut s cenes of the young woman drinking various infused waters] Lemon and ginger, blueberry and mint, orange and rosemary. Don’t forget to drink 6-8 cups of water a day! [The screen fades to show a thumbnail of a faded white background of a doctor holding hands with another individual] Deaf. Healthy. DeafHealth. Learn more at] 

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